peace. joy. hope. love.
This time of year brings about a time of reflection of the past year and we have a favorite little spot that is perfect for such quiet moments...
The Barbara Johnson Prickett Chapel at Westminster.

Mies van der Rohe once said, "Simplicity is the outcome of technical subtlety." Such simplicity can be found in the details of this chapel. The stone work is absolutely incredible, contributing to the timelessness of the architecture. It reminds Melanie of growing up in New England and fond childhood memories shared. The chapel proves that something small and simple can have significant meaning if you care about the details and quality of the craftsmanship.

It is a favorite place to sit, reflect and be intimately surrounded by a structure that silently speaks of greatness.
Whether at the Prickett Chapel or in your home, we hope that you are able to find peaceful moments in such a hectic time of year. We wish that everyone has a joyous holiday season with loved ones.
Merry Christmas from The Design Atelier!